I technically started this blog 6 years ago. I may have only posted occasionally but I'm a bit of oldie in blogging land! (despite not even being 21 yet) I was thinking about ways to improve my content and I thought that it's time to share with you all some blogging tips I've learnt over the years. So here are a few ways I promote my blog using social media.
1. Scheduling Tweets
When it comes to blog posts it's easy to just leave it there for people to read once you've published it. I've found that I read blogs as soon as I wake up, about mid morning and also during the evening while watching television so this is where Buffer comes in handy. I use the app on my phone and the website on my computer to schedule tweets about my latest blog post about 3 times the same day I publish it.
2. Share The Blog Love
I've noticed so many bloggers don't share other blogs they like. I've started to do favourite blogger themed round ups (you can check them out here and here) about blogs i'm genuinely loving reading and I think that by this other bloggers will discover you and link back to your site which helps your blogs SEO to!
3. Join in with the Twitter chats
There's a massive community of bloggers online and on Twitter. If you don't follow me on Twitter you can follow me here. I like taking part in the sunday blogger chats but I know theres chats on other days of the week too. Here's a few I know about...
Monday - #fbloggers chat 8-9pm
Wednesday - #bbloggers chat 8-9pm
Sunday - #lbloggers chat 7-8pm
#bbloggers chat 8-9pm
4. Utilise Facebook More
I used to be very embarrassed about sharing anything to do with my blog on Facebook and even on my blogs Facebook page. If you don't follow my blog on Facebook you can follow it here. I post quotes, outfit posts and photos from travelling and blogging events. I've recently linked my instagram to my personal Facebook page so when I post an outfit I really liked I share it through instagram on Facebook and i've had a traffic increase through Facebook since I started doing so.
5. Don't be afraid to hashtag! #
I've noticed a lot more bloggers using hashtags on social media sites like Instagram and Twitter lately. Good examples of bloggers using hashtags are Em Talks and The Little Plum if you want to check out other bloggers who are using hashtags well. I like to use hashtags of brand names such as #boohoo #topshop #prettylittlething but also the #fbloggers hashtag and #ootd!
How do you promote your blog via social media?
Hope you've found these tips helpful!
Great post Becca! I love all the social media options listed here. One thing I have not tried is at least tweeting multiple times about my latest blog post. I should try sharing it more often. I assumed my followers would think I'm being a pest, but I do have to cater to other tweeters who are not on Twitter 24/7. Thanks!
I always schedule my tweets in! So useful to know that it's already done :) x
Everything But The Kitchen Sink
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