This time whilst watching the video i noticed her style, what she's wearing in the video. Her style reminds me of Mary-kate and ashley's grunge look. So what do you all think, is she a new style sensation, or is she another follower of the pack, (what i call a sheep)
credit to google, various websites &
you can view the video for 'tik tok' here
tell me what you think, what's your opinion?
new style sensation or another sheep (follower of the pack)?
You can follow me on twitter here.

mmm lovely pics. ;))
I like her style. :) Now I will proceed to watch the YT clip...
I dont really know her that well, but she seems to have really nice style : ) xxx
Is the first time I saw her, and for what i'm seeing she looks very trendy, and I liked!!
Umm, I'm not really sure about her style. But then I'm not a very 'grunge' type person- give me a vintage floral tea dress any day! Hehe. But it was interesting looking at the pictures. And sure, I'd be happy to link swap.
haha love your title: I am not sure, guess another sheeeepp?
love her style. love the polyvore you picked out.
Her style is great, like Erin Wasson meets Pixie Lott. And her video is VERY Pixie Lott circa 'Boys and Girls' in some places. Only time will tell, I guess. Like her atm though.
I get more of a Taylor Momsen feel off of her. Can't say that I'm too crazy about the song - I like the chorus. :)
she has a cool look, not crazy about her makeup. ill listen to her song when im not at work!!shh!!!
F <-- two girls blogging fashion from nyc and chicago!
i've never heard something about her!
great girl!
sure! id love to swap links- ive added you already :)
She certainly has a great look!
When I first saw the music video I thought to myself that I really liked her sense of style, but at the same time I felt that I have seen it so many times before. The song is great though!
Like her style, love the third photo!
i saw another blog feature her recently and what struck me right away was that she seems to be trying too hard. i don't mind her look in general and wouldn't say she is biting anyone's style, but she exudes a "please look at me 'cause i'm so damn rebellious and original" vibe that is rather off-putting.
i'd LOVE to link swap!
mine is
btw i think ke$sha is just copying mk&a and i really don't like her :(, interesting post though!
love xxx
I think she looks quite nice,
and she can be even unsual for the blond girl.
So, it should be a success!
wow i saw that second pic of her ages ago from but didn't know it was kesha! coolie doolies then! yes, i would so love to swap linkies with you, i'll put you on my blog now! :) xx
Ive been listening tik-tok for 2 days over and over again, hehe. I really like her style! Especially what she's wearing in the video.
I think she looks really cute in the video, I guess we'll have to wait and see if she's genuine or just a sheep though!
Now she's very cute but we have to wait to see if her personal style is truth or not.
Hmmm, I can't help but think shes just another sheep. I guess we will just have to wait and see if shes genuine.
Love the pictures.
Fantasy Lingerie
I love that song and I love her style :) xxxx
doesn't she remind you of shakira in the "underneath your clothes" days?
x x x
I totally love the blog (:
i love ke$ha's style and music!
I just started my own blog and its a little hard to start (:
id appreciate it if people came by my blog (:
I'm fucking in love with that girl! I mean, she's SO not a sheep! I've heard of some people saying that she was kinda copying Gaga's style.. where did they took that from LOL?! Gaga is just over the top, I absolutely wouldn't wear the "clothes" that she wears (even if I love Gaga too!) but I'd definitly wear all the clothes that Ke$ha wears! I think her style is rock'n'roll and glam and edgy and so trashy YEAH! But I Freaking love it! Gaga is just.. weird! :P I mean, if you want to talk about a sheep, take Rihanna! Gaga's sheep all the way. Just look at her "Hard" video! :P
Another one of my faves! x
I love the floral print dress in the collage !
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