

That Floral Dress.

Friday, July 09, 2010

floral, floral dress, floral dress vintage, floral dress style, floral dress pink, pink florals, dress, fashion
I love this dress from FUNK ROCK it's another floral dress in my wardrobe, i wear floral dresses 24/7 and i just love this gorgeous simple patterned one by funk rock!
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I really love these shoes, they were from the NEW LOOK sale for £6. Strappy and brown and perfect for summer!
floral, floral dress, floral dress vintage, floral dress style, floral dress pink, pink florals, dress, fashion
close up on the heels!
brown heels, fashion, heels, shoes, new look brown heels
close up on the pattern of the FUNK ROCK DRESS the floral pattern is to die for. I love how this dress can be worn all summer round and layered and styled with everything! for example with a cropped denim bleached jacket and body con skirt for autumn/late summer wear. The dress can be worn with leggings and ankle boots for winter, or with bare legs and and sandals for summer!
have you found your perfect summer heels and dress?
check out FUNK ROCK now!
floral, floral dress, floral dress vintage, floral dress style, floral dress pink, pink florals


Laura Gerencser said...

Love the outfit!! Awesome dress!!

Laura said...

I love your dress it's a perfect summer frock and the outfit in the previous post is so incredibly cute =)h

Coerlly said...

love ur flower dress! :D awesomeeeeeee

Brittney Laycock said...

gorgeous dress!

nothing said...

nice post!
i love ur dresss ;D

congratulations. you get an award, please see my blog

Lis-x- said...

Love that dress! And HOW much were the shoes??That's a steal right there!=D
Lis xXx

Essie said...

you're soooo right xx


Baro Lucas said...

So pretty!

daniela kate morosini said...

wahey, legs out! you look lovely babe :) x

Amanda Lee said...

i love the outfit!!!


Seema said...

Really like those heels paired with your floral dress, look perfect for each other.

black n white ladies said...

cute dress dear

Dressing Up For Me said...

Oh roses, so loving them now! :)

Regan said...

That dress is ADORABLE!! I love it!!! xoxo

Aimee said...

I love your dress, awesome outfit!


Love that dress & those shoes!!!

Unknown said...

i would love to have a pair of shoes just like that for summer...
another lovely outfit on your blog!
xox alison

Anonymous said...

Great outfit!

STEFANIE said...

well, who DOESN'T love flower prints? great dress :)

Claudet said...

gorgeous dress!!! You look so beautiful :)

miss a said...

Hi, nice posting!!

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Thanks alot,
Amanda "Creamy" Apriani
Exchange link =icecreamyworld[at]gmail[dot]com
Twitter = caramel_manda

Christie said...

Cute shoes!

In Fashion and Style


Gorgeous dress, love those sandals too!SarahD:)

Jess said...

Your dress is so cute. You look lovely.x

Anonymous said...

Lovely dress.

Thanks for your comment.

Gillian said...

I love those shoes! I'm a huge fan of floral dresses too, they're so versatile and easy to wear. The pattern on your dress is gorgeous!

Unknown said...

Yup. I Want the dress :)
Thanks for the nice comment made me Smile xxx

Hollie'Rose x

Ale.Sanmed said...

ahhh your dress is super cute!

glee said...

wow! lovely shoes, lovely photos and lovely weather! :)

Anonymous said...

Love yr shoes!! They look great with yr dress. :D

Anonymous said...

I love your shoes! They are a nice color and I love strappy sandals!

Anonymous said...

Love those shoes. If you get a chance check out my blog:

jemina said...

Oh YES for the dress and shoes, and thanks so much for returning the love, I enjoy reading all of your comments, keep in touch babe, xoxo

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