So i've decided to write a post about is she a chav with her style, or is she a new fashion icon for young women?
She looks stylish enough in these photos for a 17-year old in these photos, she's got a very unique style and is known for walking around stage in stiletto high heels and baggy trousers!
But in these photos, she's clearly a typical british 'chav' walking around in baggy grey tracksuit bottoms, wearing adidas jackets and hi-top sneakers. The only glamorous thing is probably her Paul's Boutique bag!
(photo credits - google and look magazine)
As the show goes on, she's having clothes given to her, so she's beginning to look more stylish (like the last 3 photos). But still wears her signiture grey tracksuit bottoms & Hi-tops.
What do you think of Cher Lloyd's style? Is she the latest fashion icon or the latest chav?
sorry but i deffo think shes more of a chav! the only good clothes that the public see her in are ones given to her by the shows stylist! and funnily enough, an anagram of cher lloyd is OLD CHERYL!
long time now speak?! how are you!!
I can't decide wether I like her style or not, there are hints of it I like such as the more girly, glamorous parts but I don't really like the chav twist.
i don't think the world is as easily divided into 'chav' 'emo' or 'scene' or anything like that anymore. everyones doing their own thing, and i reckn shes got quite an eclectic style, and if she feels good in what shes wearing, then s'all what matters:)
Chav/Cheryl Chav copycat :|
love her so much!
really i think she is a new icon in singing!
and her style rocks also!
x amber
I don't know. Some outfits I like and some I don't.
I love all her songs so far on the XFactor. and I love her style even thought it is a little chavish.
Hey Becca,
thanks for looking at my blog :) hope you liked it!
I literally LOVE Cher, she's amazing! I actually did post on her around two weeks ago, here it is:
Love Hannahxxxx
Chav! Cannot stand the girl!
I like the last one the best ^^
Lots of love, Lisette
I would say neither. She seems like a kid with money and a topshop clone. I've seen it all before! I actually find her style quite boring and over the top/attention seeking.
I love her style, she seems like she is just down with being herself!
Yeah she's an overdramatic and a weirdo, and in some cases utterly chavtastic..but she's different. She's got her own style and she's confident in her self. And confidence is sexy. Good for her I say!
OOO what is Chav? LOL i am from Canada...i find her style very cute!
chav chav chav chav chav. she infuriates me
I don't really like what she is wearing in any of the shots, but there is someting interesting about her. Maybe she is gonna get better:)))
i think shes adorable - shes only young and she can wear what she wants x
I am so glad you did a post about Cher! I basically adore her, mostly for her talent rather than dress sense… but I am increasingly finding myself wanting to dress like a chav at about 10pm every Saturday night…!
I like her style when shes not in trackies :/ I love her patterned trousers!! x
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Haha, good thing I live in London parttime so I actually knew what you meant by chav! I think she does a nice eclectic mixing here (but loving her non-chav stuff far more :).
P.S. I can *finally* follow you - yippee! Thanks to my computer doctor! :)
total chav but i love her anyway!
Don't actually know what you mean by chav... but the photo third from the left in the top row is gorgeous!
<3 Alison
you're welcome for the comments, and thank you for stopping by my blog! she has some crazy style but some of her pieces are pretty cool!
Fashion Bag 411
As long as she's happy, then she can dress in whatever she wants me thinks :)
I should say that she is stylish in her way and I love her old looks too!
fashionable is not all about glamour and brands! its about how can you keep on your signature style and how can you look stylish with them!
thanks for your comment to my blog dear!
She is a young fashionista
she's pretty good. if we look back at audition 1 - sure there's no stylist to dress her up, her choice of wardrobe is pretty amazing. xox
When it comes to her style I'm on the fence whether I like it or not. I think she's young and her style will improve as she gets more into the music industry. Some of the outfits look really cute. I like her when she's all casual or all girly. But when she mixes the styles, it look kind of awkward.
I think it's the attitude that she wears it with - she's so confident and just the right about of cocky that a popstar needs to be. Personally, I love her, but I'd never consider wearing practically all of the things she's worn on the show so far - but that's not to say she doesn't look great.
i just don't like that girl. what is with the rapping and the crotch grabbing??
I think her fashion is more chav than icon. She is a pretty girl, I just wish she's wear a little less make up.
she's pretty chavvy to be honest.. but she does look good when she's all dolled up in her stylish clothes.
definately NOT a fashion icon in the making!
courtney xx
it is pretty hard to say, because some of her styles though look alien, are still fashionable, isn't that what fashion is about, being able to glide and stroll in your sense of style without caring what people think??
But about Cher's style, i don't love and i don't hate it. earlier this year, most magazine i read talked about their perception of the next trend being 'baggy trousers and heels' that exactly what she is doing.
i have a feeling this 'chavish' look might be the next big thing
Xoxx MsNana (just starting up)
Occasionally I see an outfit of hers with a glimmer of style hope, but at the end of the day I think she'd just a chav!
Great blog hun!
She does look cute in the last 3 pics but I think she's too much like Cheryl...She's a mini Cheryl Tweedy.
She ain't my style but she's definitely a bit of both on the chav v icon scale...
i think she looks a little like amy winehouse mixed with cheryl cole ghetto stylish? i loved her look at the audition!
I don't know!
sometimes i think she can be as she wears adidas jackets on stage, when she should really be looking like the other girls and more glam!
But then... when she sang her first real song she looked really lovely...
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CHAV! The occasions that she has looked ok is when she has clearly been styled, and even that is rare.In my opinion obviously!
i love Cher Lloyd's style, she aint afraid what people think of her she has her own swagger yeaa.. she might look like Cheryl but has cheryl ever dressed like that ? i mean seriously ? ..
i love the pattern of the dress! cute post!
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