

How to wear: Topshop Stripey Sleeveless Blouse

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

At college I see loads of girls wearing these Topshop sleeveless blouses, and I've got a few myself and think they are so basic and practical and perfect for all year round. I noticed a while ago, they brought out stripey versions! (yay!)
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Available in 4 colours at Topshop I decided to go for a colour out of my comfort zone, GREEN!
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I was suprised the colour looked good, will be wearing this blouse a lot now!
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I've styled the shirt with a velvet skater skirt from New Look, and my favourite necklace the Chelsea Doll pocket watch necklace!
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I'd wear tights and some brogues with this outfit and throw on a baggy cardigan or a Black Aviator jacket, kinda like a casual yet cool outfit?

What do you think of the famous Topshop Sleeveless Blouses? Have you got any?
Do you like how i've styled mine?

ALSO, congrats to @k83atie on twitter who won the £50 Laura Ashley Voucher!

Let me know your thoughts!

made by Becca @


Indigo said...

I love this! The colours really nice too! I've got a checked sleeveless shirt that I never wear but I may have to dig it back out of the wardrobe now! XX

Eloise said...

I have this in mustard xx

Anonymous said...

It looks lovely on you :] x

Must Have said...

I didn't know these blouses until now! when i was a kid i have these kind of blouses but i didn't know they become fashion now!



Kate-Louise said...

this looks amazing on you,i really want one now seeing this outfit


kate xo

rosedl said...

I saw these today in topshop and i was so tempted to get one but i don't think it's my style and i don't know if I'd wear it that much. But seeing how you've styled it has made me wish i bought one! xx

Béracha said...

ah, looks beautiful! :D

Cherry said...

I loveee these blouses so much but can't wear them because I can't stand to show my shoulders!

✗✗ said...

Such a great top!! You paired it nicely with that skirt, so cute!!

Violet said...

im digging these sleeveless button ups especially in the brownish color at the end

you style it wonderfully

Vi from Cali

Anonymous said...

Love your skirt and that you chose a high waist. I would of done the same! xxoo

Strawberry Freckleface said...

what a freakin cute outfit! i love the top.

strawberry freckleface

Lok-Yin Lau said...

cute top!

Anonymous said...

I love the blouse - can't believe it's only £22.50! I'd get one in red or blue, my fave colours!


Steph said...

Love this post the only problem is it makes me want to go shopping! I'd get the green but not sure it would suit me! xx

Vicki said...

i nearly bought the blue one but im not sure the fabric seems a bit too flimsy.. might have to go back and try it on again now thou :) xo

Jasmin said...

this shirt looks so amazing on you, the green's gorgeous. i love these shirts, they really remind me of little girl summer school dresses. i am definitely tempted by the blue and green x

Schnappy said...

Cool blouses, I like brown and green! :)

M said...

know ill always find great style on this blog!

come by my GIVEAWAY! Help spread the word! xo


Unknown said...

you make it look gorgeous! you really know what matches well, too :) if i saw that in topshop, i don't think i'd buy it, but seeing you in it makes me consider getting one! thanks xx

Wendy Lu said...

I've never been a fan of stripes but I love these tops!! They kind of remind me of candy canes. :) Added bonus: Stripes actually make you look skinnier because of the constant parallel lines!


Cinderella's Closet said...

I want this. Probably get the blue one.


Anonymous said...

Hey, I love how you have styled this, I'd go for the green one too

Ria said...

Cute outfit, I have a plain coral sleeveless blouse from New Look that I LOVE. It seriously goes with everything :D

Unknown said...

I've been loving these Blouses! Suits you very well and they have a gorgeous range of colours. I love stripes.

I bought one a while back in black and the only problem i found was that they are quite cropped. Or maybe its just me.


helen turnbull said...

The green is lusssh on you.

Thanks for the comment :).

Helen, X

Sarah said...

ahh I was looking at these the other day, was veryy tempted to buy. now a follower :)

Sarah said...

ahh I was looking at these the other day, was veryy tempted to buy. now a follower :)

Sarah said...

ahh I was looking at these the other day, was veryy tempted to buy. now a follower :)

lizzie said...

ooh i walk past these every time I go in topshop, they are just adorable and so basic that I am incredibly tempted to treat myself! haha :) like the way you styled it too x

Sarah Lou said...

Gorgeous colour! :) Looks lovely on you!


Anne Cherie said...

Awesome blog! Love the décor. I'm your newest follower :D luv if you follow back!

maphi bayolo said...

the green looks great on you !!!! you should get ome green clothes xoxo

Emma said...

i love these tops, really want one.

melissa ♥ said...

i'm getting that blouse in green on saturday :) you gave some great ideas on how to wear it. misty xoxo

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