

My New Hair by Regis Salons

Monday, August 15, 2011

A few weeks ago I was lucky enough to get my hair cut by my local regis salon! I absolutely love my new hair.
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(this is my old hair curled it was very long!)
If you remember my hair is very long and I've never really dyed it so I fancied a change & this is my new hair!
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They curled it at the salon too which was fab, I have purple highlights underneath and they took about three inches off!
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I love my new hair and i've had so so many compliments for it. The purple has faded a bit now but it's still quite bright and the new layers in my hair are great too. It look fab curly now so i'm going au natural more often!
I just thought i'd write about my new hair and my trip to my local Regis Salon because I had such a great service and picked up loads of tips to keep my hair glossy and shiny! (yay)

made by Becca @


Wendy Lu said...

GIRL you look fabulous!! Your new haircut is absolutely gorgeous. :) Loving those curls.


Claire Justine said...

You hair looks great,
I need a change but I'm trying to grow it :)

Emily said...

Your hair looks lovely, you really suit your hair that length xx

Michelle said...

Looks great!

fotofacefashions -fff. said...

you look lush!

come vist my blog! xxxx

M said...

good lookin giiiirl! xo


Ria said...

Loving the new do' :D it really suits you! xoxo

Temporary:Secretary said...

Your hair looks lovely, it always look nice! x

Temporary:Secretary said...

Your hair looks lovely, it always look nice! x

Loretta said...

Your hair looks amazing! <3

Anonymous said...

I love your new 'do!!!!

Julia @ Retro Jules

Julia Henderson said...

it looks lush! hope you had a good day xx

Cara said...

Love it! It really suits you and has such a nice shape to it. Thinking of going for something a bit different myself when I get mines cut on friday :) xx

ronan said...

the wavy hair looks gorgeous, really suits you :) love the print on your top too xxx

Amy McDonnell said...

I couldn't get my hair cut too short, the novelty wears off for me after a while! pahahha
looks laaavly though

Just Another Shopaholic said...

Your hair looks so beautiful!!

Nadia said...

I love tinted hair. The purple tint really suits you! :)

Nadia xoxo

See said...

Your looks really good. :)

Aqeelah Harron said...

your hair looks lovely!
Regis South Africa will be doing my hair soon too, I can't wait!

ps: please enter the give away on my blog :)

ChloƩ and Beth said...

Im loving the purple underneath, its so interesting but not too in your face!Gorgeous

Style Diary Of A Fashion Fanatic said...

Your hair looks fabulous!!!!

Wild Things Grow Here said...

Your hair looks fantastic! :)

Lydia said...

I love your new hair!
I need mine doing but I'm not sure what to have done.

Your blog is really inspiring and it's one of my favourites! XOXO :-)

Niamh said...

Your looks stunning! Love it!

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Cheers <3

Anonymous said...

Wow a amazing hairstyle...Las Vegas Hair Salon

Lynn Star said...

Looks great! I have such problems finding girls clothes but recently Aeropostale has been having very stylish clothes!

Anonymous said...

Great hair style.
A hair salon provides different types of hairstyles.
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Anonymous said...

It looks wonderful i will recommend to you some xl pharmacy products to take care of the hair they are very good and I recommend them a lot.

Anonymous said...

ery nice pictures! I love thats
Thank you

OMR said...

Thanks for your nice blog

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