

Stripey Jeans & 20% off Motel Rocks!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Happy February 29th everyone! I like leap years and the fact this day only comes once every 4 years. It makes me think what life's going to be like in 4 years time...
Anyway I've been wanting a pair of these jeans for so so so so long and I finally caved in and got a pair that's right they are the Jordan Stripey Jeans by Motel!
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Coral Blouse - Desire Clothing
Jordan Jeans - Motel Rocks
Black Wedges - So You Shoes

These jeans don't really feel like jeans they're possibly the comfiest pair of jeans I own and I absolutely love them! I'm wearing these jeans with another recent purchase of mine from Desire Clothing! Isn't this blouse fab?! I am going to wear it a lot right now and especially in the summer with shorts!

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These shoes are my favourites right now. I think for a night out they're perfect to where with any outfit and they are not too high either! and the wedges go perfectly with these striped jeans!

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how to wear stripey leggings, how to wear striped jeans, how to wear stripey jeans, motel rocks jordan striped jean
Coral Blouse - Desire Clothing
Jordan Jeans - Motel Rocks
Black Wedges - So You Shoes

I think these jeans are worth the money and that you'll get some serious wear out of them! I think this outfit would look fab with a black blouse like this or a petrol blue blouse too!
how to wear stripey leggings, how to wear striped jeans, how to wear stripey jeans, motel rocks jordan striped jean

Motel Rocks have an amazing 20% off everything tonight! All you have to do is type in 'SPRING20' at the checkout! who can resist a pair of these jeans for only £38.40!

What do you think of these jeans? Are you into jeans at the moment?



Anonymous said...

oooh they're lovely x

lucygracehearts said...

Love this look. I really like the stripe trend at the moment xxx

Claudia Kitten said...

I have these jeans and I agree they are so comfy!
Claudia xxx

NenaTH said...

i love this look <3

Neo Masango said...

Those are amazing:) love them. I have a thing for vertical stripes. Be nice and check out my blog please.

Cupcakes & CockTales said...

I want some of these soo much! Lovely pictures here too! Does anything NOT suit you?? :)

GRACE said...

great pants~


Anonymous said...

Love the look! x

Shabna said...

oh WOW they look AMAZING! Your legs look so nice too. And those boots are preeetty x x

Paige Rhianne said...

Ah look beautiful as always Becca, those jeans look amazing! xx

Faye Lesley said...

I absolutely love these jeans, so tempted to buy myself a pair!
I love your photographs as well.


underthewillowtrees said...

Have been lusting over these for a while now, though I have the skirt version from Motel (er, have yet to wear it-silly me!) It looks great on you. And what a beautiful background in your photos! Makes me feel all summery too xx

Kim said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the photo of you sat on the steps! BEAUT <3 We love our jeans :D These looks so good on you! I literally want to wear mine all the time. I hope Motel have another event soon and that you can come and we can spend all night taking photo's together, gossiping, bitching ;) and OF COURSE have a nandos at some point nomnomnom! Miss youuuuu

Oh and apparently the nus card only works with the persons account that has already used it. Pssh that's how they're stopping anyone using them! But they had a 10% off code today anyway woop :D thankkks though xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Joanna said...

love love those striped pants. you are adorable. check out my blog dear and maybe follow me if you like. :)

Unknown said...

I love this top, I need one for the summer.

Cute fit

Julie Khuu | Haute Khuuture said...

These pants are soooo dang perfect for a petite gal like myself! DEF need something to elongate the legs!

Thanks for visiting my blog love, hope you’ll be back to see my latest designs!

Peace. Love. LOL!


Joanne said...

Love them, they look great on!

Chelsea Jade said...

Love these jeans, I've been trying to resist for a little while now!
You look fab in them :)

Lowri said...

You look AMAZING in these jeans.. I 've had them for ages, but can't seem to wear them!! I really need to get my life together and just put them on lol!

The Deer Head


Unknown said...

i really love your jeans!

please visit me and leave a comment?


Unknown said...

i really love your jeans!

please visit me and leave a comment?


Yasmin; said...

lovelovelovelovelovelovelove this outfit!! & the picture of you on the steps is gorgeee :) xx

The Little Magpie said...

You look amazing in those jeans! Ive been after them for AGES and finally managed to find an alternative in H&M the other day. love the last photo by the way! x

Megan said...

I have been lusting after those pants! I love the way you put everything together. Lovely outfit!


emylouvintage said...

Gorgeous outfit and the pictures look so beautiful. You manage to make everything look so cute :)

Loes said...

that's a really cute blouse! And the pants are awesomeee

Unknown said...

Amazing jeans,
Great post and lovely work on the photography!

Unknown said...

Love the jeans! UR LOOK IS SO CUTE!

check out my MAC lipstick giveaway


Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot for your Fashion blog
I love your Blog

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your nice blog
your collection is really great

Tiffany said...

want those pants!! they look good on you. I love Motel though! i have a crop top by them

David Hudson said...

Hey there :) I just wanted to comment your wonderful blog here & say that I really like your blog layout and the way you write too. You make blogging look easy lol. I currently blog too but im not nearly as good as you are. anyways nice writing, cya later
jeans suppliers

jooleedoh said...

how's the fit?? i'm thinking of getting some but im in-between szes right now.

jooleedoh said...

how's the fit?? i'm thinking of getting some but im in-between szes right now.

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