

Studded Collar Blouse

Saturday, August 18, 2012

You can never go wrong with a white blouse. They are so versatile and you can literally wear them to add some glam to any outfit! As soon as I saw this studded blouse from Cocoboo Loves I fell in love! I can't wait to wear it with high waisted shorts, skirts & disco pants!
Studded Blouse - Cocoboo Loves(*)
Pewter Disco Pants - Glamorous(*)
Red Heel-Less Wedges - Tribeca Shoes (now in the sale!)
I absolutely love this outfit! I think it looks great with disco pants and massive wedges! This outfit is very out there and quirky and I am a little bit obsessed at the moment with heel-less wedges!
I think this blouse would look amazing with a high-waisted jersey skirt, high-waisted shorts, disco pants and for day-wear with a pair of jeans and ballet pumps!
Studded Blouse - Cocoboo Loves(*)
Pewter Disco Pants - Glamorous(*)
Red Heel-Less Wedges - Tribeca Shoes (now in the sale!)

If you've not heard of Cocoboo Loves they're a fabulous boutique which sells on ASOS Marketplace and I absolutely love everything! The clothes they sell are so quirky and stylish and the prices are amazing too!

Hope you're all having a lovely weekend!


Floral Danielle said...

Such a gorgeous outfit!
I love the shoes :)

Mimi Walker said...

Love the pop of red! xx

Laura | Style and Sushi said...

You look lovely! I really like the pop of red from the shoes in this outfit! xoxo

Amy said...

desperate to get myself some disco pants. love the studs on the back of the shoes, great detail!

nikkistyle™ said...

Very cute outfit! I've always wondered if I could walk in similar shoes.

Josephine Pearl said...

You look gorgeous, I really like these disco pants and the blouse is stunning. I'm not sure I could walk in those shoes but they look amazing on you :)

Jo. x

Unknown said...

I love the outfit especially the colours (mostly the pop of red) but aren't they v. awkward shoes to walk in?? x

Jodie said...

thats such a beauftiul shirt- thank you for bringing cocoboo loves to my attention
I love heelless shoes! theyre just so quirky and beautiful and amazingly comfortable to walk in :)

Unknown said...

Those shoes are SO awesome. I went to the mall with my cousin today and she tried on a gorgeous pair of wedges that looked like yours. beautiful!


Char! said...

those shoes are incredible! x

Lucia Flores said...

WOW!! You look absolutely stunning!! That blouse is gorgeous, love the studded collar. Uber cute combo with the tights and awesome wedges! Gorgeous!

XOXO from the Netherlands,

❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

Ellie Clark said...

This is gorgeous! And you're right - very versatile! I love this outfit! It's perfect!x

danielleyc said...

LOVE this outfit :) It's very classy :) xx

Loren. said...

Love the shoes! <3

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! Those shoes are so gorgeous.
I love this color combo!

T -

Phibster said...

I have to have the shirt!

Unknown said...

Love the shoes! Would definitely not be able to walk in them though! x

JayMarie said...

Love this outfit from head to toe! Perfect pieces!


Anonymous said...

Pretty insightful post. Never thought that it was this simple after all.
I had spent a good deal of my time looking for someone to explain this
subject clearly and you’re the only one that ever did that. Keep it up.

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Sandra said...

The blouse is really pretty!

Sandra from The Puzzle of Sandra's Life

Unknown said...

Actually I am looking for a good formal attire, I liked this one. I want to have this.

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thefashionundergrad said...

I love your disco pants! Think I am tempted to purchase a pair!


Unknown said...

The heel less wedges are wicked! Are they comfortable and easy to walk in??

The Young Bridget Jones

Unknown said...

Love this look! You have such a cute style! We would love for your to check our blog out... Its

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