Ever since Azealia's first hit single 212 I've become fascinated with her style! She's got such an edge and I love how she's not afraid to wear something different and quirky!

She's definitely pushing the boundaries with her outfit choices!
What do you think of Azealia's style?
I adore Azealia banks, she's just amazing and she's always releasing new material!xx
Love her music, wouldn't necessarily wear her clothes but it's always inspiring to see someone pushing the boundaries! Adore your blog btw, been reading it for a little while after seeing a link on the Look website :)
Sam Muses
Ah I love her!
she is AWESOME! You could totes pull her style off!!
she is officially the definition of cool! x
She's so different it's refreshing! She seems pretty mad too but I love that haha :)
Robyn Mayday
I've never heard of her before but ih my god I love her style!!! Developing an instant girl crush
Her style seems amazing!!
I like this crush, good choice Becca!
She's such an idol with a fresh style in music and style.
Her style is so fresh and funky - love it x
I adore her style! xx
Her style does remind me of you so much! I love her striped jumpsuit
you're right, she's definitely pushing the boundaries and she is rocking those looks! :)
<3, Mimi
Spirit Ink Tattoos Giveaway
Too Much Soul Giveaway
We adore her style too! What's your favorite outfit from the above? We like her second outfit!
i love her! she has style!!
Such original style I love it!
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Lois xxx
totalllly love her style too!
XO Sahra
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