

The £35 'Going Out' Jumpsuit

Saturday, January 11, 2014

It feels like ages since I've posted an outfit post. I decided that this year I was going to focus on more outfit posts and so here it starts! I've always been a fan of Rare London and I've noticed that recently they've got some really nice pieces in and so many nice Playsuits and Jumpsuits by Rare London including this jumpsuit which is only £35!
Lady Danger Lipstick by Mac - Debenhams
Black and Cream Silk Jersey Jumpsuit - Rare London(*)
Black wedges - Ebay (Similar Here)
I didn't think I'd love this jumpsuit as much as I do. It's such a gorgeous material and fits like a glove. I think this is the sort of piece you can add to your wardrobe and it will fit in well. I think it looks great with a bright red lipstick my favourite at the moment is Lady Danger by MAC (it's amazing!) and a pair of wedges. I think this is a bargain at only £35 and you can wear it in so many different ways!

Lady Danger Lipstick by Mac - Debenhams
Black and Cream Silk Jersey Jumpsuit - Rare London(*)
Black wedges - Ebay (Similar Here)
I'd wear this during the day with a pair of chelsea boots and a leather jacket. To make this jumpsuit perfect for evening wear I'd put on a bright red lipstick and a pair of black heels or wedges! I think it's a great piece to wear on a lazy day too if you just want to feel that little bit more glamorous!

What do you think of this outfit? How would you wear this jumpsuit?
 photo xoxo_zpsef0b558b.jpg


ALM said...

Love the Jumpsuit. It looks like it falls really nicely and it suits you alot

Zoe Barson said...

That jumpsuit is amazing! I love your style xo

Unknown said...

Ooh I love this. I'd probably wear it with black shoes and then some really bright accessories..
Tiana x

thriftylilpixie said...

So pretty and a cute alternative to a dress!

Jessicalaar said...

this is a really lovely jumpsuit, it looks great on you.

Jess x

Elizzabeth Hope said...

omg need that jumpsuit!!! Love it!!!

xo, Lizzie
The Uptown Girl

Holl JC said...

That jumpsuit is absolutely gorgeous, it looks amazing on you Becca! x

Unknown said...

Such a lovely jumpsuit.
Looks so good on you.


Unknown said...

The jumpsuit is so gorgeous !

Unknown said...

Such a nice jumpsuit!

Might have to treat myself as its perfect for evenings out :)


Lived With Love said...

I really love this! It can be worn so many ways! x

Lived With Love said...

I really love this! It can be worn so many ways! x

Lived With Love said...

I really love this! It can be worn so many ways! x

Anonymous said...

I agree with all the opinion about this jumpsuits.It is really cool and hot from top to bottom.

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