I am going to start getting into writing more beauty posts as I know you guys love them! I thought I would show you all my Top 5 Nail Polishes! Every month my nail polish collection seems to build and build and I have far too many nail polishes! I thought I'd put together a post of my Top 5 Favourites!

Models Own Hypergel Nail Polish in White - Urban Outfitters
Nails Inc Porchester Square - HQ Hair
Jade Green Barry M Gelly Nail Polish - River Island
I have the Barry M polish in blueberry and love it so so much- it's definitely in my top 5 too! I've been looking for a white that doesn't look like tipex- so may have to buy that models own one!
Katie // k-olivia.blogspot.com/
These are perfect for this time of the year! I like how you included black, a lot of people don't, but I think it's a staple colour. I also love pastels for summer too xx
Barry M nail polishes are amazing !
I love the look of that blue shade! :)
Blueberry is such a gorgeous shade isn't it.
Amy x | A Little Boat Sailing
really love the blue and green!
never tried barry M polishes. i love the blue and white... probably because that's my current combination. perfect for summer! great picks. x
Tiffany / tiffanyeatworld
I love Barry M Gelly nail polishes ! My favourite one are Barry M Gelly Nail Paint Orange , Pomegrante and Lilac
this is just perfect!!
May áo cưới đẹp tại TP HCM ,May ao cuoi dep tai TP HCM
Mua áo đầm đẹp giá rẻ tại TP HCM , Mua ao dam dep gia re tai TP HCM
I'm in love with pretty much all the Barry M Gelly nail polishes! x
Great choices! :) xx
Đề án bảo vệ môi trường chi tiết cho doanh nghiệp tại HCM là một thủ tục pháp lý mà các doanh nghiệp phải lập theo Nghị Định số 35/2014/NĐ-CP về vụ việc sửa đổi, bổ sung Khoản 3 Điều 39 Nghị định số 29/2011/NĐ-CP ngày 18 tháng 4 năm 2011 của chính phủ quy định về đánh giá môi trường chiến lược, đánh giá tác động môi trường, cam kết bảo vệ môi trường.
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