If like me you're heading off to University this September I thought this would be an appropriate post for you all! I'm so excited to go back and study this September but also super excited to have my own space to have a new room and cook for myself again! I've found some gorgeous cheap homeware during my online browsing lately and just had to show you all what I'm lusting after!
A bright duvet is an easy way to update your uni room as it's most likely going to be quite plain and basic. This duvet is under £10 and is only £9.50 and will add a great pop of colour to any room. Last time I went to uni I made the mistake of having white bowls you can never work out which ones are yours! I can't wait to snap up these cereal bowls so nobody will mistake mine for there's (I hope!)
I'm addicted to Pinterest at the moment (You can follow me here) and these bowls are so cute and pinterest like and only £7.50! I also think the heart shaped chopping board is super cute! Lastly my favourite pick of all is this scrabble mug! Who else has always wanted a scrabble mug with your initial on?
Such a cute wishlist! I'm so excited to decorate my new uni room too.. It's my final year which is really scary but also so exciting! Unlike you I'm not looking forward to cooking for myself though haha!
Where are you in uni hun? xx
Very cute list ! Love the bed !
I LOVE those items sooo cute and girly!
I love the bed sheets! Really cute wishlist! Definitely get some fairylights too, to decorate your room! I remember covering mine in them! x
Mapped Out | Fashion, Beauty, Lifestyle
Very lovely
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