Firstly, Happy New Year! I know it's a bit late but i've been currently snowed under with a 4,000 word marketing report to complete for university which has been a challenge! I thought I'd start my first post of 2015 (where has the time gone?!) with some of the goals I want to set myself for 2015.
Let's start with what happened in 2014, it was a hectic year of me and so much happened! This time last year I'd just started my job as a marketing assistant (which I loved) and I wasn't used to having free time in the evenings with not being at university I didn't have my friends around me all the time. It was difficult but something I got used to. Some of my friends live at home but most live away from university but by chance one of my best friends dropped out a few months after I did! I decided to really focus on blogging and I started saving up for a trip to New Zealand in the summer.

I had the best time in New Zealand in the summer. I worked for a digital marketing agency as an intern for a few weeks, travelled the country and stayed with relatives. I actually ended up going to visit one of my blogger friends who was staying in Sydney at the time and loved that too. You can catch up on my Australian posts here and here.

I had the best time with Kim in Australia and soon after my trip I met my boyfriend Ben, started a new degree at university and moved away to Huddersfield! From June onwards it's been a bit hectic for me and I can't wait to see what 2015 holds!
Some of my new years resolutions are to take more photos, be more organised, be more positive, not to worry about what other people think and be more spontaneous!
As for blogging, as I enter my 6th year of blogging (yes 6!) I have set myself a few targets of what I want to improve with my blog. It's hard to keep coming up with new content but I still love blogging as much as I did when I started this blog aged 15. It's not as popular as so many other blogs which have been out there online for 5 years but it's always been a hobby for me. I've always been working, in education alongside blogging and it would be a dream to one day call this my full time job. So here we go with my blogging goals for 2015!
1. Take better photos - I really want to get better at my photography for my blog. I want to experiment by using different locations, using props when taking photos of products and feeling more confident to get someone else to take outfit photos for my blog!
2. To use the free time I have better - I don't get as much free time as I'd like anymore due to having SO much university work. So my new years resolution is to use the free time I do have better. This means blogging on the train, using that spare half hour between lectures to blog in the library and making that extra effort to be quicker at replying to tweets and emails and comments.
3. Be more organised - I want to be more organised for 2015. I love making lists and I'm more organised then I ever have been. I really want to get a diary to plan blog posts, university work etc all in one as I think this would really help in keeping on top of everything.
4. Don't compare my blog to other blogs and myself to other bloggers - I've not been the best at this this year I will admit that. Now there's new blogs popping up every minute it's so easy to compare your blog to others. I now tell myself not to worry about everyone else but to focus on me and my blog. I love sharing my thoughts, feelings and views with you guys and it means the world to me that you click on my blog and have a read. I was put off outfit blogging for a while as I thought i'd put on weight and didn't look skinny like so many other bloggers. 2015 is year for focusing on what's good about fashion-train, what you guys love reading and embracing my figure.
5. Make more of an effort with blogging - This year I really want to make my blog the best it can be, producing the best content for you guys to read. To help inspire you, motivate you and of course give you inspiration for your outfits and beauty/lifestyle tips.
I love my blog and it feels like a part of me now, it's the best hobby I've ever had. I would love to read your thoughts about how I can improve my content for 2015 and what you'd like to see on Fashion-Train!
Not comparing is hard, but on my list too for next year, aswell as getting more organised! Hope you had a great New Year xx
lovely post, looking forwards to seeing more posts this year. xx
Great photos! Happy new year x
Heather | Of Beauty & Nothingness - My Massive Blog Sale Is Now Live!
I've been reading your blog for a while now so I'm very excited to see where you go in 2015! Can you keep you high street fashion posts aha absolutely love them, they give me such inspirations for my wardrobe. Your photos from the year look lovely. Love your new banner as well!
Ajah/ www.awdesigned.com
lovely xx !
I totally feel you on not comparing your blog to other blogs. It's soooo hard though lol. Lovely post and I wish you the best on your blogging goals!
You have great ideas for your blog for 2015. I just started mine and it takes a lot. But getting better just as long I keep at it. We will get organized and I hope you get to work on your blog full-time as a career. Good luck! www.pippihepburn.etsy.com, www.pippihepburn.com
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