I thought with this being my 6th year of blogging (aaah!) I would make a real effort to try out new content and ideas this year. I love fashion and beauty blogging but another thing I enjoy is cooking! I love making poached eggs and risotto and nothing beats a home-made eggs benedict! So I thought I'd try something new and show you my lunchtime food diary for the week so here it goes!

On Monday I ate a salmon risotto. I made it with peas and red onion, smoked salmon and drizzled a bit of lemon juice at the end. (It was seriously yummy!)

On Tuesday for lunch I had smoked salmon and poached eggs on toast. These poached eggs didn't turn out as well as I'd hoped but they were still really nice. I love having smoked salmon for my lunch and this is a great quick and easy dinner to make.

For lunch on Wednesday I made a really quick and easy snack of brown bread with garlic cream cheese and smoked salmon. It's so quick and easy to make and I love the combination of the foods together.

Thursday's lunch was definitely my favourite. I made vegetable risotto with courgette, red onion and asparagus. I added a bit of garlic in it to give the meal a bit more flavour and it tasted amazing!

On Friday, me and my mum went to Marks and Spencer for lunch. You may have seen a picture of this on Instagram, it was so yummy! I love the toasties they do and mine had bacon, chicken and cheese in.
I love going to M&S for lunch, their toasties are my fave xo
Jenny | That Northern Gal
This has made me so hungry, definitely need to start cooking my tea!
That salmon risotto looks gorgeous, this has made me super hungry!
Great ideas.
Keep it up !
If you have a moment visit my blog: http://brunettevibes.blogspot.co.uk/
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