Fashion: The Top 5 Youtube Videos You Need To Watch Right Now
Friday, April 24, 2015
When I'm feeling stressed and wanting to have a 10 minute chill, at the moment I turn to watching a video on Youtube with a cup of peppermint tea. I've been really enjoying youtube lately and my flatmates keep telling me I need to start a youtube channel (watch this space!) but I thought I'd share with you all the videos I've been loving watching and possibly introduce you to some new youtube channels to watch!
1. Stress and Overeating/Binge Eating - Beauty Crush
One thing I love about Sammi is she's not afraid to talk about the issues we are all worrying about. I found this video so helpful, especially at the moment with all my university coursework being due to be handed in in the next couple of weeks. Grab a cup of tea and spend 10 minutes watching this!
2. Missguided Festival Lookbook - SunbeamsJess
Every time I watch a haul or lookbook by Jess she makes me want to go shopping and completely change my wardrobe. She's got such amazing style and in her latest video this missguided lookbook I thought everything about it was amazing! The editing is amazing and I love the music too not just the gorgeous clothes she's wearing! (hide your bank card if you watch this!)
3. Primark Spring Haul - BroganTatexo
After being introduced to Brogan's channel by a friend I've loved watching her videos. She's so friendly and bubbly and I feel like she's talking to her friends and doesn't take herself to seriously. If you're look for a light, happy watch for your spare 10 minutes it's definitely worth watching her videos!
4. 3 Days, 3 Dates, 3 Outfits - Ugly Face Of Beauty
I always find Grace so inspiring. She's super stylish and make me want to embrace my figure! She rocks her curves with such confidence and is not afraid to wear anything she wants. I love her styling in this video! If you check out her other videos she posts bits of lifestyle, advice and beauty as well as fashion!
5. Top 5 Concealers - All Demonstrated - Style Suzi
So it's that time of the year where you feel the most tired, I've been stuck on what concealer to buy at the moment so I love this video from Suzi. I find that concealers can make such a difference to your make up and i'm still yet to find the perfect concealer to hide under eye bags but this video has definitely given me some ideas!
What Youtube videos are you loving at the moment? Which video is your favourite?
Do you have any other recommendations for youtube videos I should watch?
1 comment
Cool! Have a nice day sweetie!!
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