

Lifestyle: 10 Life Lessons We Learnt From Friends

Friday, June 19, 2015

Everyday I manage to watch Friends at some point (I blame you Comedy Central!) and it's my favourite tv show. You all seem to love my friends themed posts and so when I jotted down this post idea in my notebook I couldn't wait to make a post about it. You can see my previous Friends posts here and here. So here's 10 life lessons we learnt from Friends.
1. It's okay to binge eat every once in a while
2. Joey taught us to love our bodies no matter what size of shape we are. Your body is amazing no matter what your size or shape is. 

3. Dating your assistant at work is never a good idea. 

4. That if you like someone, you should tell them before they meet someone else.

5. The real world sucks but you love it really.

6. It's never a good idea to carry a sofa up flights of stairs. 

7. Waxing hurts.

8. Sometimes all you need is a hug from your BFF. 

9. You shouldn't let other people make your decisions. 

10. You shouldn't care what other people think. 

 Hope you all enjoyed this post!
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courtzmelv said...

I absolutely love this post! I also always manage to watch Friends at least once a day thanks to Comedy Central. I love that you've managed to find a great image for each thing we've learned from Friends too!

Courtney |

Unknown said...

This is such a cute post !


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