I've never been one to jump on the Beauty Box band wagon after reading just a couple of reviews but this months Birchbox caught my eye. I loved the theme idea of the box, who doesn't love emojis?!
#BeautyJunkie Beauty Box - Birchbox

I really like how inside the Birchbox there's a mini magazine full of info and how to use the goodies inside. There's some really well known brands in this months box including Benefit and Lord and Berry.
I have been obsessed with body scrubs for so long. I love using them in the shower and they make me feel so fresh and clean! I love using them when I want to have a bit of a pamper session.
Lord and Berry is a brand I've really loved for a long time. They do such good quality make-up and they always seem to be in beauty boxes! I am trying to get into using blushes and so I'm excited to try this one out.
Beauty Protector is a brand I've tried a few times before and I was so happy to see that one of there best selling products was in this months box! I've tried this before and it works so well.
I love it when there's face scrubs inside beauty boxes. When I'm away travelling they come in so handy! I will definitely be packing this face scrub to try out for when I go to Amsterdam in a few weeks.
As much as I love Benefit products, they are so expensive! I think samples like this are a great way to save loads of money especially if you end up not liking the product. I have always wanted to try out Benefit High Beam and I'm excited to give this a try.
I've noticed a lot of different types of hair bobbles around at the moment. I think there's a lot of alternatives now including the invisible bobble, the spiral bobbles and ones which don't show up in your hair. So I'll be carrying in my handbag when I need a hair bobble on the go!
#BeautyJunkie Beauty Box - Birchbox

I loved how in this months box there was emoji stickers too. It was a great added extra to the box and perfect for fellow emoji lovers out there!
What do you think of Birchbox Beauty Boxes?
What do you think of Birchbox Beauty Boxes?

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