Travel: How to pack like a pro
For a lot of people, packing can
be a stressful and often unpleasant time. On one hand, it should be exciting as
for most, it is the beginning of your ‘holiday mode’ where you can switch off
your brain to all the realities, and simply relax, but on the other, it can be
horrendous. If you have experienced the latter on more than one packing
occasion, and feel like you are trying to squeeze 2 weeks’ worth of clothes
into a shoe box, read on for our best packing tips, which have been favoured by
the professionals, so you can pack like a pro…
Let’s start with your clothes as
this is normally the biggest problem…lay out all of the items that you are
considering taking on your trip, and that you truly think you will need. Once
you have done that, put half of them back. Brutal maybe, but if you are packing
for a holiday, and are taking a reasonable
sized suitcase, you should not have any trouble fitting all the clothes you
will need for your trip in there and if you do, you’ve packed too many.
If you can, try and pack fabrics
that will not crease – knits, wools and cottons are best for this, and roll
your softer garments and fold the stiffer ones. You will be surprised at how
much space will be created when rolling your clothes. Line the bottom of your
case with the rolled clothes, and place the folded ones on top. Simple.
Shoes are bulky, so avoid taking
too many. Pick versatile pairs that can be worn with more than one outfit, and
utilise the space in them when you are packing. Stuff your shoes with awkward
items such as chargers, socks, and sunglasses, and make the most of the space.
Jewellery can often be a tricky
thing to pack, as you do not want to lose it, or break it, so; before you go,
decide what jewellery you would like to wear each day, and get yourself a 7-day
pill box. These are not only fantastic at keeping your earrings and necklaces
safe, but also means that you can keep track of them, reducing the chances of losing
anything whilst you are away, as you can clearly see if you are missing any
items. Try and avid taking expensive items away with you, unless you have a
secure place to store them at your accommodation, and in that case, wear them
whilst you travel.
Finally, when it comes to packing
your beauty products, do not take full sized bottles. Decanter your favourite
creams into travel bottles, and opt for dual purpose products. Consider where
you are going, whether you will be wearing foundation, or if a tinted
moisturiser is more appropriate. Avoid spillages and accidents from happening
by placing Clingfilm over the top, before placing the lid. Group all of your
toiletries into a bag and slide them into the side of your case.

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