

Fast & Easy Ways To Make Your Eyes Pop!

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Want all eyes to be on your eyes, but don't have the energy or the time for a full cut crease? No worries, there are plenty of fast and easy ways to make sure your eyes pop and are the centre of your look. Read on to find out what they are. 

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Eye drops 

One of the best beauty tips for eyes there has to be using eye drops. It is fast as all you need to do is drop the specially formulated liquid like the content of the Optrex Dazzling eye drops into your eyes and you’ll get a brighter, refreshed more sparkly-eye look. Plenty of chemists and pharmacies do their brand of this product too, usually at a vastly reduced price! 

The great thing about eyedrops is that they are portable too, so you can take them with you anywhere, and you won’t need to be at home in front of your dressing table to get the look you want. Also, keeping your eyes well hydrated and moisturised makes a lot of sense, and a good eye drop will do this for you. 

False lashes 

Another way to make sure your eyes pop is to use false lashes. Unfortunately, many people are put off using false lashes because they believe they are fiddly and hard to apply. The funny thing is that by investing in the right kind of lash extensions, nothing could be further from the truth. Indeed, by choosing a well-established and quality brand that offers pre-made lashes and glue you can get a professional look in a matter of seconds that will blow everyone that sees you away. 

Holo Eyeshadow 

Holo eyeshadow is a big trend right now. Yet, applying it perfectly can be a time-consuming chore. That is why my solution is to use Holo eyeshadow imperfectly. That’s right with this method there is no need to spend hours doing your full lid or getting both sides perfectly equal. 

Instead, you just take some of the holo powder or cream and dab it in the outer corner of both eyes. This will give you that rainbow flash of holo, drawing people’s attention to your eyes with minimal effort and time. Not to mention that it's a great way to wear holo without it being overwhelming while still keeping that avant-garde edge. 

Coloured Contacts

You can also make sure your eyes pop with colour very quickly, easily and without having to apply any eye shadow at all by using coloured contact lenses. Just like the ones we use to correct our site, coloured contacts are designed to be worn comfortably in the eyes. 

The main difference from optical lenses is that these are tinted to give your eyes a unique and different look. Indeed, by choosing coloured contact lenses you can switch your eye colour from natural shades such as browns and blues to bright green, delicate violets, and intense aquas. Any of which will make sure all eyes are on you, and that any look you wear pops. 


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